Your house isn’t just one of your biggest assets; it is your home. We can help you find property insurance that protects your home, as well as, investment properties, in South Carolina, and throughout the Southeast, with a large variety of coverage options and carriers.

Owning a homeowner’s policy doesn’t mean you have protection for everything you own. Every policy has set limits on certain coverage, such as artwork, jewelry, money, computer software/hardware and many other items. Sometimes the policy limits are adequate for an individual policyholder’s needs…and many times additional insurance is required in the form of a rider.  We review your individual needs and design a policy that meets them full.

  • Homeowners

  • Flood & Excess Flood

  • Dwelling / Fire

  • Renters

  • Condo

  • Personal Liability

  • Investment Properties

  • Jewelry, Artwork, Antiques, etc


Our team is committed to helping you find, affordable comprehensive insurance to protect the things you value the most.